
unshakable……………unwavering……..unrelenting…………rigid……………..there are but a few things in my life that remain constant and steadfast

  • my faith
  • the passing of time
  • change

the passing of time being the area that is exactly as it was from the beginning

my faith has evolved, been challenged, endured and perhaps slightly matured

change has now taken on the form of rolling hills as opposed to the heights of Everest and descents to Death Valley, taxing at times but not the roller coaster from hell that it has been in the past

I do not wish to be young or younger , perhaps better looking but it is what it is, this is a good time to be me, and I couldn’t always say that

those definitions that began this discourse are not adjectives that I wish to be used to describe me


unwavering……………….like a reed

unrelenting…………………….translates to being a tyrant

rigid……………………….means fragile, because with enough force the unbending will break

if you have lived and haven’t learned that demands placed on yourself is one thing, leads to ulcers and hemorrhoids, but demands placed on others is akin to trying to catch the wind…………………..forget about it

what you know may not change from day-to-day but it does change, everyone has the right to progress or regress at their own speed or need

be happy where you are, if you aren’t maybe check your focus or clean your glasses, or do something different

adamant is probably properly used to describe the fact that we don’t know it all, never will know it all, don’t need to know it all,

i can be adamant about that, but that’s all