crack in the ice/ for osd

a lie is like a crack in the ice, once it is there it always spreads

you may not notice that it is opening, until one day you fall into it and you wonder how did that happen and why didn’t i see it coming

the thing about a lie after it is out we no longer can control it, and it will go places we never imagined and affect things we never saw coming

lies are like bamboo sometimes………………………………….. they will stay hidden for the longest time,…………..and we think they are forgotten, and we got away with them………………………………….and then all of a sudden they pop up everywhere and it just no use they are there, surrounding us and there is nothing we can say or do,………………………….we are exposed naked as a jaybird

the thing is about a liar, nobody trusts them…………………………………..and they think the people closest to them believe them, but they don’t,………………..they know they live and work with someone who takes liberties with the truth and a relationship like that can only be so deep, reality rules that for self-preservation

i can hear you, yak, yak, yak,………………everybody lies…………..okay, but when it becomes your preferred method of communication

watch out…………………………oh,……………………you didn’t see the hole in the ice,………………you started it a long time ago