the problem with ”hurry”

i was getting gas this morning and an elderly lady came into the store asking for directions to an assisted living center…………

if was too difficult to explain so i said i would put it in my gps and she could follow me, well that was all well and good except i had forgotten to pump the gas i had paid for…………………ended okay, went back after got her to the destination…………… point is i make mistakes when i get in a ”hurry”

i have found it better to be late and deal with the consequences, then get in a ”hurry” and have the consequence of being late and something else i messed up because i was in a hurry…………….better to deal with one, than multiply it to two

hurry, hurry

step right up have i got a deal for you

while you were running to keep from missing out

you forgot to tie your shoe

so as you face makes friends with the earth, by the way brown looks good on you

i hope you will remember to plan your time or time will continue to run over you

if bro, you don’t plan your time, old mister time will play havoc with you


do what you want, but you better understand, he is the master and he has our lives in his hand

so use what he gives us, as best you can,, but if you aren’t careful he will take everything you have


finite, limited, not endless……………………………….time

walk fast if you have to keep from missing the train, but remember that something you pass might be worth slowing down

i’m just sayin’