hand writer

”we do what we do, might be different from you, makes me no better, no worse,be grateful we have a choice.”……..ttucro

i make marks on my left hand for reminders……………………….i have a laptop, i have an i-phone, i have sticky notes, if it is something i cannot forget to do it goes on my hand

i bet everyone has a way of doing certain things that some my say was low-tech, no tech, barbaric or old school………..okay

the deal is if it works who give a molly cot, not sure what a molly cot is, but anyway

i regularly notice people who do the same thing, and they seem to be embarrassed until i show them my hand, and then we are okay

if you are like me sometimes i come up with ideas and i am ready to be honored at a very high- faluten affair only to find that it has been done half a century ago,  face it there are very, very few original thoughts…………

hey i’m working on an opinion free life and it is easy for me to see how it’s a great place to be coming from……………….i don’t need you to agree with me and i don’t need to agree with you

so i look at things from a standpoint of this works for me or that just doesn’t seem to fit my life path…………….and that’s it

if it works for you and no blood is shed, no animal sacrifices…………………….have at it…………………..i have no words of condemnation or appreciation……………….we are good to go

so hand writer keep on writing, i wouldn’t concern  myself to much about the ink being toxic or poisonous, just don’t eat the pen or pencil………………………………………i’m sorry, excuse me…………………chop away i hope it passes through your system easily………… now that’s better no need to offend anyone, they just might be hungry

merrily we march along, you play your song and i’ll hum along and if i get restless, i will bid you adieu and play my song and no one gets screwed