we make our own bed/ arithmetic of life

how’d you sleep?………………………………..we do make our own bed and the debris and chaos we initiate during the day follows us into the night

surely you have heard this remark coming from someone who has been or is a royal pain in the a……………”i just don’t sleep well, toss and turn, wake up several times, it’s awful, i just don’t understand it”………………………you bite your lip almost in half and shrug, when you want to say ”you bastard, you reek havoc from when you wake till you go to bed and you are wondering what the problem is………………………try not being a shit for one day, just one……..see it that helps”……………… but you don’t deciding to let him suffer a little longer until maybe someone knocks him out or he figures it out

there is a magic formula everyone should learn………………here it is:  no peace=no rest

we’ll just call that life arithmetic