the scales are correct

the scales of life are balanced just right…………… we get in proportion to what we give

the only people who have a problem with that………………………well you figure it out………..

i don’t know who said it but ”fair” is a place where pigs get ribbons

we as humans have a hard time with an honest self appraisal, it is tough to be relentlessly honest with ourselves, takes practice

we get in proportion to what we give,……………..we have a hard time with that because we can be giving in many areas of our life and yet be stingy in others………………… we look at the overall illusion we have created and think, i’m doing enough or i’m giving enough…………………………….when perhaps the most needed help comes from areas we aren’t naturally inclined to do so


some give money, because they have it, no big deal……………………..sorry folks but true giving may make you uncomfortable, a very common misconception

because the act of giving was ultimately designed to help the giver to ”grow” and the receiver to ”reap”……………………so giving from areas that don’t cost you in emotion or get you out of your comfort zone, really misses the point

if you don’t like to get your hands dirty, get your hands dirty, if you don’t like touching the ”undesirables” touch them, if you don’t like going to certain places because that is beneath your standing, go there

stop doing the ”regular” stuff and reach out, stretch and grow

we get in proportion to what we give