crossword puzzle/ in the meantime

we’ve been doing this long enough that i can tell when a thorn has taken up residence in your butt

probably the only thing in the paper worth focusing on the crossword puzzle, learning to improve my vocab and better understand the verbage i spew out

mirror, mirror on the wall whose going to break the spell and let loose all the flying monkey’s that have been banging against the walls in your for the last few days

ok, i see the cerebrum has a small crack, yep i was right, it’s coming…………………………….usually the first five minutes are spent reliving every minor detail that has happened in the last few days and every possible scenario as to”why”

no point in responding until after the second act and things start to fall into the usual categories, ” inattentive, unresponsive, non -communicative, self-serving, inconsiderate…………………………and 900 more that i really don’t feel like regurgitating at this time

most things are never as important as the value we place on them, especially ” infractions”

people screw up, we screw up…………………………………but our misdeeds pale to the offenses of others, get over it

you can spend your day wrapped around the axle if you like, how’s that working for you or you can accept my apology for God know’s what and get on with it

in the meantime i’m going to finish this crossword puzzle…………………… this point it makes a lot more sense than we do


much of what i write is derived from a passing thought or overheard conversation, i rarely share about my personal relationships for fear i might end up like Mr. Bobbit…………………….if you catch my drift