water on the rock

sometimes all my efforts seem so futile……………….what i do at work, what i do at home and when personal relationships seem strained,……………………………………….i suppose it’s human nature to question and to raise concern if we are doing this thing right

so for the thousandth time,” a life that doesn’t include self-examination is a life not worth living” or something to that effect.

so we look……………………and hopefully we look with honest eyes that see without being dismembering……

i liken life sometimes to a drip of water on a stone, it may take years before its effect is even slightly noticed, and a path is made, a mark, a trail where the water makes its way

there doesn’t seem like much power in a drop of water, at least not one drop, but how about a million drops………………….steady

sometimes the only way things take or make an effect is over the slow and steady process of time

this process in life is the ultimate teacher…………………….to have the fortitude and faith to continue one drip, one drop at a time and be confidant that someday you will be able to see the slightest impression you have made and be satisfied that you held the course, and you didn’t let the rock change your course………………………you changed the rock

sometimes little steps aren’t really so little…………………..like water on the rock