how to spot a friend

a friend will know you are way off base, that you are not close to the beam, that your EMOTIONS ARE RUNNING THE SHOW, that your tongue has more venom than a cobra, your ability to make sound judgments is impaired, your perspective is jaded to say the least, the selfishness and self absorption is beyond calculation, there is a total absence of concern for others and their well-being, you cannot accept the fact that most of this, perhaps all was brought on by yourself, that your halo needs new batteries, that God loves us all the same, that you are not special nor a genius, people aren’t overly impressed with your abilities, the world is not watching and waiting for your direction, you do not control the rotation of the earth, the center of the universe is not sitting at your desk, you aren’t nearly as smart as you think you are, do you actually hear what you are saying? how long have you believed those lies, do you really think others were put here to serve you, are you really going to pursue that thought, the virus you exhibit is infectious and toxic, the behavior you exhibit is very close to psychotic…………

they  don’t open their mouth…………………………..because their silence is like a magic hammer that clubs you on the head and after a while you look at them, shake your head and say” i’m sorry,……………………………..can you help me?, and they say,”maybe, let’s be quiet and pray”

that’s how you spot a friend