i’m sure as my parents watched me grow, they wondered if i was able to hear their words, because i wasn’t good

about following directions…………………………………….that continued through my teens and adulthood

it was only after a series of events, any of which was capable of ending my life, over a twenty year period that i began to have an inkling that something wasn’t right

like Rip Van Winkle awakening from a deep sleep, i found myself stumbling and fumbling through life and vaguely hearing voices, which i now realize were people trying to warn me about impending doom

it wasn’t that i couldn’t hear them, i didn’t want to hear them……………….so i went about playing at life, instead of consciously  living life………………..i wasn’t present when the roll was called

you look back and your aghast that it took what it took to bring you back, and you just can’t ignore the fact that God wanted you here, because you were incapable of sound judgement and reality………………………you have slipped into the void

that trench that has no bottom and when you think you might hit it you pick up the shovel and dig a little more, just in case

i was given many opportunities to stop, and didn’t……………………..God graced me with a space between the dots and i paused long enough to catch a glimmer of hope………………………………now i have the option to continue or return

i took the sign down, i am responsible and dedicated to a life that has no need for excuses…………………………i make mistakes, own them, sometimes learn from them and move on……………………….but i don’t hide and no longer and i afraid to listen

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….please note : in no way do i wish to diminish the struggles of the hearing impaired, i chose to be deaf, they of course did not