sometimes all you have, is the best you can have

best we can figure it’s been a week since our boat took on water and sank…………..we were anchored near a small island we intended to explore the next day…………………….in the middle of the night we rammed into something and it wasn’t long before we knew we were taking on water………………………we managed to put some rations and gear in the dingy and as we were getting in ”Mystic Maiden” was going down

not enough time to radio only a handheld GPS that i  hoped i could remember how to work……………….reaching the island we held each other and said a prayer of thanks……………then we both got busy setting up the tent with the help of the solar lantern that would prove to be a lifesaver………………………tree limbs sufficed for a clothesline and the emergency kit with dry clothes was much appreciated

it wasn’t hard to fall asleep,we both were dry, fed and safe…………………..i felt better having teddy, my 38 snub-nose ,holding down the fort and sleep fell on us both like bricks

the morning sun raised the temperature in the tent until it was uncomfortable and we ventured out to our new home

the island may have been a half mile long by 300 yards at its widest point………………i started looking for a suitable place that would offer some protection in a storm, like a bank………………….. didn’t find one so i figured i could build one

this would help block the wind and you thought a tarp laced over the tent would add extra protection from the sun

i made a fire and set the gps device on the highest point i could reach and fastened it to a limb with an elastic bungee cord, good old bungee

your wife marla stirred up some soup and we walked the island and talked……………………..about how fortunate we were and how it would be fun outfitting a new boat if the opportunity presented itself

then i remembered, as best i could recollect today was our anniversary…………………..i mentioned it and we both howled…………….the day went off well…………………made a camp, rigged up a shelter, caught a fish, cleaned it and grilled it for dinner

i walked the shore and picked up shells and decided to have a go at making a necklace for marla…………..the cords on the dingy were perfect……………….some used for racking fish as they were caught, light and strong……………..couple of feet from them wouldn’t matter

the swiss knife that was a christmas present a few years ago, was carefully placed in its own compartment in the emergency bag…………………… was sharp enough to easily work through the shells so you were smart to do the boring against a piece of wood and not your hand, in half an hour i  were walking back to the site with my handiwork……………..she was straightening out the tent

i said close your eyes and i walked up behind her and placed the necklace around her neck and said, “happy anniversary…….


2 days later we were spotted by a search plane and picked up by a trawler later that afternoon, the captain said ”you don’t seen especially happy to have been found”………………we smiled and apologized and said we  were glad to be going home but a few more days on our own private island would have been okay…………………the captain laughed,” should we take you back”

we smiled and said, ” no thanks”


now every year on our anniversary you wear the necklace, no matter where we are going and what you are wearing

and every year you say, ” i’m glad the boat sank and we got to see how we would do when all we had was ”us” and we did better than good, we thrived and that makes me thankful and keeps our love alive”


sometimes the worst thing in your life turns out to be the best thing in your life………………..put on your life vest