over here

i can’t make sense sometimes how things go these days

wonder if this world is out of control and the devil is having his way

and in my moments of despair often a voice comes to me , ” you will never understand my ways, but I am here don’t worry about a thing”

so that will carry me the next few days until something else comes my way and i’ll just stop wherever i am , hit my knees and pray

i try to be secluded but i don’t really cares who sees, this thing I call God has been very kind and gracious to me

just when i think this world is spinning wild and we have lost  our way, i sense the words coming from that big oak,”son I said I would never leave you and nothing goes on that I don’t see, so do the best that you can do and leave the rest to me”

my shoulders drop and i smile, He is pretty cool