glimpses of you/ for n.b.

it’s hard for me to watch a friend lose control of their life

funny you said the same thing about me when i was fighting my demons

you always had a plan and now the plan has you

you knew what you wanted, now i suppose you might say to yourself,” i thought i did”

you set the gps and drove the car, now someone else sets the gps and you go where they say to go

in your public attire, you just look so uncomfortable, probably few notice but i do

when we get together you always go with jeans and tee-shirt, now that’s you

every few months we plan a fishing trip and i always find it interesting to watch a man unravel himself and then put everything in reverse and once again assume the position on the way home

you know i know, so there’s no point talking about it………………………….i often wonder if one day you throw in the towel and go back to a simpler life, and i can’t say

i know you love the attention and the limelight but at such a price, is it worth? …………………………i  guess at this point it is

but we all know like it or knot, things change

so brother i still see glimpses of you and i am grateful for that, you continue to teach me that everything has a price and if you sell yourself that is the end of autonomy and the beginning of imprisonment…………….

it’s your life……………..knot mine

let’s go fishing