
tell me what you see………………………………………..not what i want you to see

tell me what you think…………………………………….not what i want you to think

show me where i err…………………………………………… and when i get it right

talk to me plainly……………………………………leave the colored words for your prose

ask me why i responded that way……………………………………hold me accountable for my actions

encourage me when i need it…………………………………………help me down gently when i stand on the upper rungs of my ladder

listen to me………………and then listen to my words………………………………… to see if they match

watch me as i interact………………………am i a facade or am i portraying the ”real” me

share with me lessons you have traveled through…………………………….that i may not stumble on those stones

offer me you compassion when no one else will………………………………….and give me insight when i refuse to acknowledge the truth

be courageous and thick-skinned……………………………………………………….. when i need correction and respond in anger

show me the doors i have opened and need to be closed……………..and show me the doors that i have closed that need to be opened

march with me through wind and the rain,share my love and share my pain………………and in the end i pray, we both can say

” we would do it all over again, we wouldn’t have it any other way”

for ph., be., sb.,rb.,beno.,jo., and stu