3 Ravens

peering out the window, i went into a daydream………………………..i was startled by a tapping sound coming from the roof

3 ravens descended to the grounds below to something i surmised was a dead animal, as i moved to a different window for a better vantage point, a car came down the driveway…………………..the ravens took flight

i suppose the sound of the car frightened them away……………………………………………as they flew away their cries seem to decree

”hark, hark save your life, for surely no meal is worth that price”


i took the ravens as a sign but it is only now that the meaning has been revealed to me, 31 years later

as humans we often pursue people, pleasures, treasures we think we need only to find out not only were we wrong but one more bad choice could have cost us our life

i believe everyone has messengers………………………….mine are ravens………………and when they appear i take note of where i am, what i am doing and what i am saying, and the  people around me

recognize your messengers and pay attention to them