a pothole in someone’s day

everyday is not going to be a stellar day

you won’t feel you should be riding a float in a parade

confetti and streamers won’t be flyin’ your way

but you don’t have to be a pothole……………………….. in someone’s day

this has been my m.o., and i’m not proud to say

when i catch hell i want to give it away

to any unsuspecting person who happens to come my way

i end up being a pothole in that person’s day


so what to do, put up signs in my mind, ”trouble ahead, watch where you drive,” get out of the way and let them pass by

but don’t be a pothole in their day

i like to help, but not all the time, often i’m selfish and i can be unkind…………………………….i guess that’s part of being human and that’s just fine………………………………….but i don’t have to pass my sh……t onto others

so up, down over and around…………………..life will lift you up and set you back down……………….through life’s stages try not to wear a frown…………………and don’t be a pothole in someone’s day