black and white

let’s start with me……………………..i am classified as white and i’m not white, reddish brown but not white

most of my friends that are classified as black aren’t black, from olive to various shades of brown

my black friends are Africans…………………………………………..


what the hell are we doing still referring to each other by race………………………………….i live in America……….so i’m a ‘murican, that’s how my wife says i say it

it is way past time that we stop being defined by the color of our skin…………………………i’m a good citizen or a bad citizen who happens to be whatever……………….i am a contributing member of society who happens to be whatever color

color cannot take out the trash, wash my car, fed my dogs, tell my wife i love her or help an elderly person across the street

start with me saying i can be prejudice at times and i admit it and i am holding myself accountable for it, in spite of the fact that there have been many important and life changing people in my life that happened to be people of color

it has to start with me………………….i am responsible for me not you……………………………..i have no right to condemn you, that energy should be spent on changing me

so mirror, mirror on the wall when i look at myself remind me that what i do and what i say goes a lot further in making me a beautiful person then hair, features or the color of my skin

hey love looks really good on anyone………………………regardless of color………………………….what color is love………………thought so