prisoner of ”self”

the hardest time you will ever do is in the prison of ”self”

you did the crime, you assign time, you sit in the cell by yourself

”self” will keep you alive, but if you aren’t careful it will takeover your life, until there is little room for anyone else

when it’s all about me, it’s impossible to see what’s going on with someone else

empathy coming form someone who is self-consumed is like asking a zebra for his spots, it ain’t gonna happen

there are things i have to do for me, and there are things i need to do for others; showing concern, listening, patience and being available

without the giving part……………………………..and always looking to receive is gluttony ………………soul gluttony…………………….and what to we get when we eat to much……………fat

if my life is missing the ”flow”  where gifts come in and i let others go, the stream becomes stagnant, and nothing thrives in stagnant water…………………….except “mosquitoes”……………………….get the picture