shrapnel: fragments of a bomb

fragments of a bomb, embedded in my skin

not to much to debate about, get a pair of tweezers and jump right in

and with each painful pull, i remind myself again: relationships are like  grenades…………………….harmless until you pull the pin

old Ben told me when he was alive ” you are better off just letting it roll off your skin”…………………..he also told he wasn’t that good at holding too much in

so the aftermath is the quiet time, when you stay out of the other’s way and watch out for the landmines because you forgot where they were placed

haggard and forlorn you let the embers lie……………………….eventually they go out if you don’t stir then just for spite

if we are at the top of the chain doesn’t make me feel that proud, we can send people to the moon or replace a worn out heart…………………….but we all have difficulty getting along with people we profess to  love……………….. boom…………sh..t