
when something is not filled or occupied…………………………………………….

the tides of life will upend and turn us inside out and upside down

i have never seen a person so spiritually fit, that they do not waver from time to time and question their faith……………………………don’t believe it will happen on this side of the fence

why am i still feeling this way……………………why am i still doing these disruptive actions…….why am i not further along on this journey………………………….i can still see the lights on the front porch, i should be in Kansas by now………………………….. i couldn’t answer those questions for myself let alone for you

the application of knowledge is a steady and methodical process or it ends up like children white washing a fence, barely covered and paint everywhere

if it isn’t positioned in it’s proper place, it’s just there taking up space…………….you may or may not find it when you need it

we are evolving on a good day, treading water on the tough ones

the irony is on the days we feel like we are treading water when we get weary and stop flailing we find the water ins’t over our heads and we can walk to dry land………………………………………………………..it’s never as bad as we think……………………..it can always be worse……………….chin up and grab a float