cutting down the colortree

parents place their children under the colortree

they point to the color that looks like me, i will pick this one now it belongs to me……………………. now i have been placed in a box,with others like me, because if your color is different ………………we are not the same, separate

i will live life bright like the sun, ” a voice whispers, it can’t be done, it can’t be done”

a young man rides the tides of youth, he witnesses pain, he witnesses abuse, he stores these thoughts in his mind, promises himself he will never be unkind, he will turn back the tide of hate, he will share the food from his plate, he will give of what he has

the voice whispers, ” it can’t be done, it can’t be done”

a man wrestles with the trails of life, he works , he loves, he gives, he fights….he believes all men should be free…………………….to live their life the way they want to be

until that day comes, all children will sit under the colortree and pick a color just like me


cut down the colortree, we need the wood