
by now you know i am a very simple man

i look at everyday things and supplant them into situations where they were never intended to be used……………………………………… a little slanted or warped…….okay


looking at this pencil on my desk i notice it has been mauled, attacked by my canines on several occasions and it almost seems twisted and bent

my focus shifts to the eraser and off we go………………………..

imagine that each of us came equipped with an eraser that would delete, remove any trace of anything we would rather forget from an earlier or present time during that day

we just have a 24 hour eraser so if we don’t erase it before the stroke of midnight it remains part of our history…………………………………….

so theoretically i did an experiment ……………………………i got 10 volunteers and we had an eraser……………………we agreed to run the test for 48 hours………………it wasn’t  very long before patterns of behavior started to emerge

we knew at times that we were doing or repeating things we had earlier erased, because we could get away with it ………………….. our behavior got pretty loose

theories are fine…………hypothetical can be fun……………….but we soon came to see we we wasting a lot of time erasing things we knew we wouldn’t want to keep anyway…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

we needed to remember what we did, how it affected others and how it affected us

there are things we don’t like in our past and present, but it’s a far cry from saying they aren’t valuable

the old crap needs to stay so we can try to avoiding stepping in it over and over again

erasers are for paper, lessons good or bad are for life