
you saw you chance and you took hold

you believed in a dream and never let go

you did whatever needed to be done

to keep the dream alive

it’s one thing to have a dream, it’s another thing to live it

you are an odd duck, but that’s why we were attracted to you, you made a connection with the God of your understanding and as far as you were concerned, that’s all you needed…………………..hmmm

you’re almost there, you asked me to buy into the dream, but i looked at it as a very long shot and didn’t get on board

inches is how the whole thing has moved, slower than the distance an ant moves in a day, but you never wavered

you saw the opportunity………………….the one who had the dream gave it away and you keep it alive and fed it

it will be cool to watch you cross the finish line………………..you have become a teacher in regards to what it takes to make a dream come true

you are a perfect example of how faith and hard work can accomplish anything

teachers come in all shapes, sizes, and in many different ways………………..i caught your drift teacher and friend