3 minutes

that’s how much time i have before my fellow brother in recovery arrives

so what i intend to do with this time is say ”thank-you”…………………..to all the people who have put up with my crap and stayed friends with me anyway

to my family for trying their best to help a lost soul come back to reality and never………………….never…………….bringing up the many times i bodily attended family gatherings ”lost in space”

to employers and fellow employees who tolerated my rants and did their best to ignore me when i was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of line…….i think the only thing that saved me was occasional glimpses of a pretty good human being that would not let go of the past……………………….for too long

it remains vivid to me how self destructive i was and how the fallout affected those who happened to be to close to the minefields i laid

it is a prerequisite to remember the mistakes i have made, not to live there but to avoid going down the same rabbit hole twice…………………

3 minutes well spent…………………………………thanks G