advanced studies on a bench

often the best educational experiences i have had the pleasure of participating in were of the bench variety…………………………………..sitting in a park or the woods and just being……………………………..without trying to be anything,think anything or compose anything…………………………………..this is the best procedure for me:

  • sit
  • turn off
  • be still
  • wait

something will come, has to ………………………………………………….there is too much information out there and we just have to connect to it

the language of the universe is as varied as leaves on a tree, but it will speak to you, if you are open, in ways you can understand

funny when i was in my forties and fifties i was concerned about getting older    i can handle getting older, cannot entertain getting old, big difference………….personal choice

the peace and growth that can be found in stillness, whatever your method, is irreplaceable