a lot like me/Henry

we already had two dogs…………………………..my wife is a teacher with a soft spot for her kids, all 800 of them…………………………………………. and for dogs

another teacher had a friend and she was having financial problems and couldn’t afford to give the dog his shots and preventative meds.     so Florence Nightingale / my wife Cheryl/comes to the rescue.                of course when i get home I hit the ceiling and war dance around the room. of course she paid little attention as she has done in similar situations knowing eventually i would wear myself out, shut up, and in  a few days be attached to the damn dog and that would be the end of the story

well………………………………………..it took a little longer than a few days             Henry lived the majority of his life in crate………………now that isn’t how we roll with our dogs            at one time they ran the house and we worked for them………. we got tired of that arrangement and closed in the side porch for a studio slash/ dog room and now we only have to clean the house once a week instead of daily

there where some protests, but tear gas took care of that……..just kidding

our backyard is fenced but if Henry saw the light, a gate not shut or a door leading to the great yonder…………………he was gone……………….until he had exhausted himself and needed water usually about an hour into his patrol of the neighborhood………………………..he got lost a few times and i had to track him down which was followed by a few whacks of the broom…………………………..found to be ineffective and soon abandoned

so after investing three hundred dollars to bring his shots up to date this knuckle-head was going to behave………………yeah

so i said ”this isn’t working, lets try giving him some supervised space and that has taken some time, but generally he pays attention to my gestures and calls for him to return when he’s ready

the real skinny is this: ”the damn dog is a lot like me, if you try to box me in or confine me, I will look for ways to escape, just like Henry

so G sent me a black fluffy reminder…………………………” people put up with you, now you put up with him”                        okay….okay