the need to blame

he did it, she did it, it was because of the weather, the airline messed up, his family was troubled

s……………………..t    everybody’s family is messed up, everyone over the age of 40 is in recovery from something

what is wrong with saying ”that could be better, let’s see what we can do to fix that”

you,you,you,you……..begins to sound like me, me,me,me…….very quickly

usually the first to point fingers is the most guilty

blame doesn’t get anyone off the hook because the problem is still there

before you open your mouth to condemn, what can you offer to resolve

blame is a sick game that people play when they don’t want to be part of the answer they want to stay stuck in the problem, because it makes them feel superior

if you believe you are no better than anyone else what gives you the right to condemn anyone