stuff you can do to change the world without breaking a sweat

  • smile………………………………………………………………………you’re breathing, as opposed to not
  • say thank-you…………………………………….. especially to people who don’t deserve it
  • turn off the television……………………………….and read something good for your head
  • pray……………………doesn’t matter whether you believe or not, see what happens
  • be nice………………..particularly to people you don’t feel warm and fuzzy about
  • be a giver…………………………..don’t get caught up in judging, there are plenty who will do that, help where you can
  • accept people………………………………………. for who they are, what they are, and remember you are asking them to do the same for you
  • wait………………………………….ask the question, ”Is what i am going to say or do beneficial to everyone involved”
  • don’t be ruled by your emotions………………………………that alone would change the world
  • slow down…………………………………………….rarely will you lose something by taking your time………………………………but one can sure lose many things by not taking their time
  • look for good……………………………you will find whatever you focus on
  • feelings………………………………..aren’t facts………………..remember there is a reason you feel the way you do…………………and there is a reason someone else feels the way they do……………………………and you both could be wrong
  • give respect to everyone………………………………………….let them grow it or take it away
  • never judge anything………………………………………..very tough i know, that’s why i saved it for last…………………………………….we don’t know the whole story
  • be the beat ………………………………….tap your feet………………………………..let others feel the pulse of life running through you………………………’s infectious
  • stop throwing your chewing gum where people walk
  • make your own list………………………cya