can’t run away from me

I can hide from you…………don’t answer the phone

stay away from people……………………just leave me alone

close the blinds…………………………….nobody’s at home

but i can’t run away from me

take a few days off from work, get in the car and drive      ten hours later and several states away                 get a room………………. and there I am

can’t run away from me

spend a few days drifting from little town to little town………………….the peace I was looking for………………….wasn’t found

because I can’t run away from me

everywhere I go, I turn the corner and there I am                    I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of me                  I don’t dislike you, I dislike me

and I can’t run away from  me

so I pull off the road into a rest area and set the alarm on my phone

over the rainbow in no time flat…………….  I’m walking down a road           I see this billboard that reads………………”me first, me first, me first……………..makes me last”………………………the alarm goes off and I scribble a note

when it’s all about me, it isn’t about much……………….I need others, their words and their touch……………..if I want to be free of the bondage of self……………….I have to reach out to others

okay, I got it

I call a brother who has been struggling and we talk………………………he says he feels better and I feel  better……………………………..

we all get lost at times, but we are never far from the path………………..ttucro