better than we think

there was a man who was distraught about his state of affairs and he looked out from the window and thought about jumping            someone was coming down the hall………………..he turned and a woman with a patch over her eye asked him what floor the main office was on                         as she walked away  he thought that he was fortunate to be blessed with two good eyes and his whole outlook changed

the woman headed to the office as she was directed and said to herself that people often judged her because of her covered eye…………………….as she entered the office a man in a wheelchair wheeled from behind a desk and asked if she would hold the door, he had an infectious smile and she said, ”sure”…………………… his demeanor was upbeat and she reminded herself that she had two good legs and that she was fortunate……………………………….

the man in the wheelchair thought  the lady was pretty, but she wouldn’t be interested in a guy in a wheelchair and rolled down the street to mail a package at the post office…………………………………outside the post office was a man who was in a wheelchair, no legs, blind with a sign that  said ”God is good all the time, thanks” and he stopped and put a buck in his cup, rolling away he looked up and said, ”thanks”

if you can take a breath on your own, if you can walk, with a cane or a prosthesis, if you can see with one eye or two, if you can feed yourself either at a table or dumpster then you have something to be grateful about

sometimes you have to break things down………………… build them up

p.s.      the lady with the patch met the guy in the wheelchair coming from the post office, he asked her to lunch………………………….3 months later they got married have three kids and count their blessings everyday

you will find what you are looking for………..ttucro