s y s d m s

saying your sorry doesn’t mean shit,  you’ve been saying it a long time and it’s time to quit, so either  do something about it or don’t say a word ,                        “cause we are tired of hearing sorry for things we continue to observe”

change : to make or become different

i can change the oil, i can change the sheets, i can change the color of a room

but i need help to change behavior that has been taught and practiced for years

  • i have to be honest with myself and admit i have the problem
  • i have to be willing to talk to someone who has dealt with this issue, whatever it is
  • take suggestions
  • want to be more considerate and think about how this will affect others

saying your sorry doesn’t mean shit, you’ve been saying it a long time and it’s time to quit, so either do something about it or don’t say a word,                                ”cause we are tired of hearing sorry for things we continue to observe”

you can stay the same………………………………………………….but don’t complain