replica/noun/an exact copy/one on a similar scale
my Father was a real piece of work
i bashed Him for years until some of the pain “He” caused became the pain i caused/ time and life changed that perspective owning things you don’t want sucks but i can’t change what i don’t acknowledge
so my mantra for years ”was anything but Him” when the truth was ” anything but me”
my Father was both sides of the coin and he could flip faster than you could possibly prepare for the change……………………………………………………….just like me
my Father was generous at times to a fault leaving His family wondering what brought that on and puzzled looks followed by statements like “He never did that for us”………………………………………………………………………………………………..just like me
Dad was after something and He studied the Bible meticulously with a concourse and other tools But He was never really able to offer love freely, it was painful to watch Him try to be gracious and loving…………………..just like me
he was steadfast and he rode the mule he believed in, into the ground, if He got you, you weren’t warned, you were hung……………………………………………….just like me
He was dependable, hardworking and principled …………………………………just like me
tormented, confused, angry, sullen, vengeful and delicate…………………just like me
I am my Father’s Son, good and bad
i’m 63, don’t mind me, just digging through the trash picking out pieces i need to look at and taking an inventory of what i want to keep, what i need help with/ then having the courage to tell someone putting a face on God
i now realize there were reasons He was the man He was and i am especially grateful that I am His Son and He was my Dad
see you on the beach, Pop