home schooled
it’s interesting as i grow older and wider, i dare not say wiser, i am able to look at circumstances , people and places without immediately passing judgment or assigning blame
they simply are what they are or were what they were
as we take on the roles our parents assign us, at least until we reach the age of rebellion, different for each of us and some for better or worse never reach that phase at all
we absorb much that we accept without a second thought until we know better and learn more about how the world shakes out to us
generally there are reasons why people do what they do, say what they say and think what they think
i find it difficult to accept that a parent or guardian would handicap us with attempts to distort reality or the truth, but i know that it happens and it happened to me
it bothers me to say that even today
reality is the distance between seeing and believing/ and we are taught not to believe everything we see and even less everything we feel………..admittedly feelings are indeed not always factual
so i can say i don’t like everything you did to me and everything you taught me
and also say the most valuable lessons that have stood me well, Â endured many a storm and fiasco, Â have been instrumental and invaluable in getting this shipwreck back to port came from you
eventually we line up the cans of goods our teachers brought us and choose which ones’ to cook with and the one’s we use for target practice
all of us are home schooled, probably the worst case scenario is when there is no teacher and we learn everything as we go
now that’s a lot of bruised knuckles and bloody noses
it could have always been worse
we can choose what to keep and what to let slip away…………………….without blame