cows chewing gum
sometimes I balk at ideas initially without considering the information presented{I bet no one else does that}, commonly known as contempt prior to investigation
i stumbled onto the aforementioned concept by accident and i will attempt to explain it now
i am a chewer, no i won’t grab your shoe if it’s lying around and start gnawing on it but i do chew ice, carrots, grass, pens, or straws yes i am aware that it isn’t attractive and i try to confine my chomping when i am alone or driving my car/ most of the time
celery is my favorite gnaw and one of my connections to man and beast/ after mulching the stalk for several minutes i was aware of how relaxing and calming the act actually is
the connection was instant, just like humans chew gum, my favorite is ice with gum intensifies the flavor dramatically, that’s what a cow is doing when it chews its’ cud/ relaxing and calming itself
i can hear you now…..but that’s part of the process of making milk, okay then why do bulls chew their cud?……because it is soothing and easier then smoking a pipe
what’s this all about? a crazy man sharing his take on something initially seeming so absurd and now making perfect sense to me / what do you say?
i wager that we have something in common with every living thing, more then just breathing
have some celery and relax